Human life and technology are closely linked- technology has been and still continues to make human life more comfortable. The world we live in is ever changing and constantly evolving. It’s a known fact that evolutions brings about a change in environment, technology and situations too. Fusion of technology in our day to day lives has made us more adaptable to our daily actions. As a result technology facilitates our life in general.

Organizations tend to rank their employees with the right skills and abilities to perform the certain tasks, but this is only one of many requirements of the HCM cycle.

An obvious problem that surfaces within all organizations today is the human resources management, the employee maintenance and handling, attrition stoppage, evaluation etc. Today organizations have turned towards usage of advanced systems for HRM. The impact of technology has changed the way the Human resource management over the years from the traditional style of functioning to creating a structured human resources strategy. Needless to say the digitization of HCM has played a pivotal role in organizational growth Digitalization in HR has been profound needless to say, playing a pivotal role in elevating HRM from being just a back office operation to being a strategic people centric operational flow.

This transition from being a totally paperwork backed to automated system and analytics has helped in enabling standardization, differentiation and automation in tandem with supporting strategic growth and competitive advantage.


  • Digitalization of HCM has been known to speed up the communication process by reducing cost, and aiding organizations in being more productive thereby increasing efficiency of work.
  • E-HRM has allowed parameters like performance appraisals to be conducted online using the corporate web interface.
  • It has become relatively easier as the manager and employee can co-ordinate and submit performance data directly to the Human Resources department via an e-platform. This practice, though criticized for lack of written evidence, reduces paperwork and is relatively easier to manage.
  • Digitalization in the HCM cycle has helped in providing both deep and broad functionality through a user friendly and an intuitive cloud based solution 
  • Digitalization in the HCM cycle should be understood as a technological revolution that has already taken place, while the technology itself represents the new human era in the 21stcentury
  • Radical and rapid change is required for an advanced workforce in both its use and adaptation making this link between Digitalization and HCM a productive power resisting stiff competition and  changes

Author Name: Antara K.

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